After 4006 miles, 15 days, at an average of 43mph and 32.4mpg... We are home ! We really enjoyed the travel, met lots of wonderful people, ate some really good food along the way and introduced ourselves to parts of Europe we had never seen before... The highs ? Perhaps Lake Garda... The lows ? Other than the drive home, probably the motel we had to stop in due to a bad call on the planned accomodation. We are both sat here now dazed, having a sandwich and looking at the garden.... Thanks for following our Honeymoon Blog !
Saturday, 18 July 2009
Friday, 17 July 2009
Back in Kent
Safely home in England, just need to remember to drive on the correct side of the road ;-)
Another break
Filling station soup for me and a salad for Lesley, the French services do seem to be better equiped, not significantly, but enough to make them useful. The Autoroutes are practically empty, although the toll bill at Calais should be quite large ;-)
Making good progress
Eating away at the miles to Calais, stopping every couple of hours to avoid a rerun of earlier this week. Should make the tunnel by 7:30pm. Just seen a tail wagging accident right on front of us, thankfully no one was injured but their car was a real mess... The driver did well not to get into a real pickle but again, going to fast for towing... Anyways, back to the road...
Thursday, 16 July 2009
The last night away... Almost ;-)
Sat on the side of Lake Geneva in a small reasort called Thonon-les-Bains, sun just gone down over the far side of the lake, it's still in the high 20's, Lesley is having a Ceasar Salad, I'm having the best burger ever, there is live music, I'm having a local beer... Do we have to come back ?????
Yvoire for lunch
Lazy day...
Trying to get motivated to get up and ready, but the place we are staying has slipped us both into laid back relaxed mode... Might do something later ;-)
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
The next two nights...
Doing the Furka
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
In other news...
Forgot to mention earlier... Went to the loo earlier today and PING ! out popped a stone ! Seems as though the pain I've been having was probably due to a gall stone...
The first bad call !
Hit a minor snag tonight, the hotel we had booked into was a so called "Eco" hotel, which on the face of it doesn't sound too bad, but the reality was that the place was halfway up a steep dirt path, no access for the car, so the bags needed to be hauled 100's yards up hill... No ta... Jumped in the car and started looking for alternatives, the big fancy ones in Lugano had valet parking so we kept clear ;-) Ended up booking into a Travel Inn type place, it's a bit grim, but has air con, plus fan and we are sealed in from the unbarable heat and humidity outside ! Stuffed our faces with a motorway services meal and stocked up with cold drinks... Sorted ;-)
Lake Como
Taking a break in a small village next to Lake Como... It has a different feel to Lake Garda, less tourists, more a place to live... Seen some of the famous sights including George Cloney's house... He waved as we passed ;-) just sat with a Sprite and a Panini and feeling very warm at well over 35 degrees
Monday, 13 July 2009
That's a nice red car said Lesley !
Thanks folks

We had "The Meal" tonight, thanks to the collection from my work colleagues and the wedding gift euros from Linda - thank you all xxx - Lesley had some local fish, I had my first steak of the holiday and we both started with spagetti and froi gra ! All washed down with a local rose ! Don't ask me how I managed to drive the 5 miles home in the dark up a winding road into the mountains ;-) The picture is the view from our table !
Just like James Bond !
Completed a circuit of Lake Garda this afternoon, the south of the lake is pretty much like any other "Med" resort, but Sirmione seems to be the exception, we had a slow walk around, had an ice cream then both decided it was too hot so headed for the air conditioned car ! Drove up to Riva del Garda from there, doing the James Bond bit through the tunnels next to the lake (start of Quantaum of Solace), which was fun and captured on the camcorder ! However 007 didn't have to put up with slow tourists !
Easy morning
Taken it very easy this morning, had a slow breakfast, lazed on the bed for a few hours, but it's time to go explore. Stopped taking the Ciprofloxin, the side affects scared me silly... Apparently it's used as a Anthrax cure !!! Anyways, heading down to have a relaxing walk around Salo, then perhaps see some other parts of the lake... Not had any pasta yet !
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Annoyed !
Sadly, it looks like my water infection is going to get in the way of us driving up the Stelvio Pass. I currently can't go much longer than an hour without getting the urge to wee... The chemist used the universal language of medicine referring to the problem with my "peepee" ! Amazing how you can actually get to explain anything to anyone who doesn't speak English ! Still, we have the whole lake to explore tomorrow, just getting ready to head out for tea... Well we will once Lesley has finished sorting her nails out ;)
And the room ?
Arrived at Lake Garda
Saturday, 11 July 2009
A light supper
Both had a light supper as neither of us where that hungry... My stomach is still a little tender, but thankfully none of the cramps I had last night.
Quite liked the place, it's very built up, but they have resisted the pull of the tourist market. The boats on the front where amazing and we managed to do two circuits of the F1 track before being directed away from Casino Square, which was for the very posh cars... Rolls, Maybach, Lambougini, Ferrari and so on... Sigh... Anyways, if you must visit the south coast, avoid France and visit Monaco ;-)
South of France

Late update I know, however, we arrived in Frejus very late last night, I had some stomach cramp and Lesley had to drive the last 2hrs in the twilight ! Anyways, we arrived, I'm feeling better and we toured along the "posh" bit of France, Cannes etc, but to be honest they are welcome to it ! It's busy, there are traffic jams and too many tourists ;-)
Friday, 10 July 2009
Doing the Med...
Heading across the southern coast of France today, it's hot outside 24 at 9am, shorts are on standby, my bare legs don't get on with the leather interior of the car, so still in jeans for now. Hope to catch the Millau Viaduct today, I'll post a picture later for the people currently going huh ? ;-)
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Made it...
Into friendly Spain !

Just crossed into Spain, border control was, shall we say very quick... There isn't any ! Anyways, it's odd how the road style changes instantly and how Lealey's nose has cleared up since getting into a warmer country ;-) Completed a high pass, plus several others, heading for Andorra then onto Argeles-sur-Mer and bed ! Long drive yet....
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Yorkshire Tea in Pau !
It's a small world, just sat drinking Yorkshire tea with our host from Otley, overlooking a beautiful view of the Pyranees ! My spelling gets worse !
Down memory lane
Just paid a visit to the places I visited as a child in the early 80's, the Gite in Puydrouard, tried to get into La Rochelle, but the port is closed down for a July 14th "thing", visited Chatelaillon Plage and the bar near the beach at Les Boucholeurs ! Not much has changed apart from La Rochelle which seems to have grown into a massive place.
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Lovely meal
Back in our room, had a great meal with our hosts and four other guests, two from Belgium, two from Hungary. Chatted about the usual cultural stuff, history and so on, but ended on a rather unusual part of us and the Hungarians trying to explain Allo Allo to the French ;-)
Arrived in La Rochelle
Well near there, staying in an old manor house, place is lovely, weather is great, bit breezy if I was been really picky ;-) had a massive day, toured one of the national parks south of Breast, hit the road just after mid day, so I'm a little worn out after all the driving, so we are having dinner here, Guinee Foul apparently... Tastes like chicken !
Monday, 6 July 2009
Tired and Finistered !
French Services
Just stopped for a break, the services here aren't that much different except the food is really good ! Just had a hot bagette with a lemon tart to finish with... Yum ;-)
Normandy Beaches
Just experienced the Mulberry Harbour Museum at Arromaches and the American War Graves - the latter is a really beautiful place for all those lost souls - sadly, not had the time to see much else, charging south west now.
Sunday, 5 July 2009
A few early snaps from the wedding
Catching a little sun

Bit of a delayed post... Not much 3G coverage here ! I have wifi now though ;-) Stopped about 2pm for a rest, comfort break and refill on fluids... Ended up with an ice cream too ! Followed this up with a drive along the coast between Dieppe and Le Harve, lovely area, with great views onto the "French" Channel. We have arrived at the hotel for tonight near Arromanche, just getting a quick wash then out for tea. Tolls on the autoroutes are a little too often, but are working out at about €0.10 per km using my head maths - I'll perhaps work it out sometime when I've got nothing to do...
Saturday, 4 July 2009
Lesley in the driving seat

Wedding went completely to plan, venue was as good as it gets, food fantastic and the staff very attentive. Appeared as though all the guests were enjoying the day, most confirmed it as the night went on. As for us, we enjoyed every single minute ! We are now heading down to Kent to spend our second night as a married couple on the start of our honeymoon. As you can see from the photo, I'm already in the passenger seat ! That's marriage I guess ;-)
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
So where are we going ?
OK, so you want to know where we are staying ? I've shown the general area near to where we are staying, so you get a better idea without having to look places up on Google Maps ;¬)
3rd July - Our Wedding - Fischers Baslow Hall
4th July - Dover - The Marquis
5th July - Normandy - Ferme de la Ranconniere
6th July - Brittany - Le Manoir de Roch ar Brini
7th July - La Rochelle - Le Clos de la Garenne
8th July - Pau - Clos Mirabel
9th July - Perpignan - Auberge du Roua
10th July - Frejus - La Maurette
11th July - Asti - La Granica
12th & 13th July - Lake Garda - Dimora Bolsone
14th July - Lugano - Locanda Del Giglio
15th & 16th July - Lake Geneva - La Ferme Aux Ours
17th July - Dover - The Marquis (again)
Then home, washing, shopping, reality, work... grrr...
3rd July - Our Wedding - Fischers Baslow Hall
4th July - Dover - The Marquis
5th July - Normandy - Ferme de la Ranconniere
6th July - Brittany - Le Manoir de Roch ar Brini
7th July - La Rochelle - Le Clos de la Garenne
8th July - Pau - Clos Mirabel
9th July - Perpignan - Auberge du Roua
10th July - Frejus - La Maurette
11th July - Asti - La Granica
12th & 13th July - Lake Garda - Dimora Bolsone
14th July - Lugano - Locanda Del Giglio
15th & 16th July - Lake Geneva - La Ferme Aux Ours
17th July - Dover - The Marquis (again)
Then home, washing, shopping, reality, work... grrr...
Saturday, 14 March 2009
Before the wedding...
Some of you will know that I've never been one for doing things by half, so why would I stop doing what I do best when it come to the Honeymoon ?
We are heading off on a long tour of France, Italy and Switzerland, driving the northern, eastern and southern coasts of France, heading into the Italian Lakes and Alps and then criss crossing the Swiss Alps back towards France and then home via the Vanoise National Park.
I'll be adding a few pictures and tales of what we are up to along the way so that family and friends to keep an eye on us as we spend our first few weeks as a married couple ! Sounds almost sickly doesn't it ! Hmmm... well you know me !
We are heading off on a long tour of France, Italy and Switzerland, driving the northern, eastern and southern coasts of France, heading into the Italian Lakes and Alps and then criss crossing the Swiss Alps back towards France and then home via the Vanoise National Park.
I'll be adding a few pictures and tales of what we are up to along the way so that family and friends to keep an eye on us as we spend our first few weeks as a married couple ! Sounds almost sickly doesn't it ! Hmmm... well you know me !
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